
Thoracic Mobility and You

  Is it just back pain? If there’s one universal ailment in the world, it’s pretty safe to say that it’s probably back pain. Whether it’s your low or upper back, you’ve probably experienced back pain at some point in your life. Today we’re going to take a look at upper back pain — in […]

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It’s not this position…It’s the “Next” positon

I’m uh…working from where now? It’s a peculiar thing; the entire workplace dynamic has really been shaken up in the past few months. Millions of people around the world suddenly find themselves in a completely new work environment— their home.   Home is where the heart is, and working from home certainly does not come […]

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Headaches: The Webinar You Can’t Miss!

  It’s just a headache…Right? I’m sure we’ve all been there at some point. You had a long, stressful day at work — and almost as if to add insult to injury, you find yourself with a nagging headache. It really just makes everything miserable, doesn’t it?   Headaches are incredibly common and have an […]

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Diastasis Recti: What can you do fix it?

A woman’s body is an amazing thing. During pregnancy, many curious changes occur to prepare expecting mothers for child birth — some wonderful, and some not quite ideal. Today, we’re going to talk about one of the most common post-pregnancy maladies: Diastasis Recti. What is Diastasis Recti? Simply put, Diastatis Recti is the condition in […]

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Our Top Five Tips to Stay Active During Lockdown

Being stuck at home during this lockdown can really take its toll physically and mentally. You may find yourself falling into some less than savory “Pandemic” habits or routines. Luckily, research has shown that exercise is not just vital to your physical health — but it even has great benefit for your mental wellbeing! With […]

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ACL Injuries — Prevention Programs

I used to be an adventure like you…Until I took an arr– tore my ACL Following our blog post from the previous week highlighting Achilles injury prevention, today we are going to take a look at another one of the world of sports medicine’s most recurrent injuries: the ACL tear. ACL injuries have become a […]

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The Achilles — Preventing Non-Contact Injuries

Achilles’ Heel…Or Rather, His Tendon? The injury you’ve probably heard of — rupturing the Achilles tendon. It’s an injury that plagues professional sports in all facets; no one is immune. Just last year, following the New Orleans Saint’s acquisition of former Dallas Cowboy star, Dez Bryant, the wide receiver would go on tear his Achilles […]

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Quick Fix: Shin Splints

  You’ve probably heard of shin splints — heck, you’ve probably experienced them. Shin splints are incredibly common, and they affect athletes in a multitude of disciplines; running, dancing, gymnastics, just to name a few. The term is thrown around so frequently, it begs the questions, what are shin splints exactly? Barring the obvious “it’s […]

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Clinic Highlight — The Core Stix

  Mike Kadar wanted something different — as the strength and conditioning coach for the Pittsburgh Penguins, he was searching for a way to train himself and his athletes in a way that would functionally pertain to their craft. Mike sought the expertise of Kregg Koch — a design engineer for NASA’s Space Shuttle Program […]

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The Art of Warming Up – Dynamic Stretching

Warming up is an art that presents itself in many forms. Anything from cardio to stretching, and many other countless activities come to mind, in the context. But for our blog post today, we’re going to be talking about dynamic stretching and its impact on your workout. What are Dynamic Stretches? The most common type […]

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